
How much are we accepted now? How much will we be accepted then?

As esports, particularly the fighting game community (FGC), grows, we must ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion remains central. Many top players are non-cis-heterosexual, and the community is generally tolerant. However, as more money enters esports, there’s a risk that financial pressures could undermine this progress, as we've seen in traditional sports.

It’s crucial to keep an eye on these changes and make sure that growing commercial interests don’t compromise inclusivity. The FGC in 2024 is open, but how safe and welcoming it is can vary. Let’s keep pushing to protect inclusion as esports evolves.

About Me

I'm Rafael Lechugo. I grew up in the '90s playing Street Fighter, but it took years to find a community that embraced me. Even now, I sometimes feel like an outsider when outdated attitudes persist. Competing is harder when you feel dismissed as a gay man.

(This is only my honest experience though, and others in the LGBTQ+ community may feel differently.)

Also, I play Kimberly. 🥷💅